Tasting the Best Fast Foods of India This Winter

Winter – the time of the year when we Indians indulge in food frenzies. The weather at this time of the year is perfect for many things like travelling, sightseeing and indulging in the delicacies of the season. With the demand for fast food at this time of the year also increases the demand for new delicacies and winter fast foods. Here is a list of the most popular fast foods you will find on the streets of India that we believe you should sample this winter.

Spicy Tangy Peas

This is a typical north Indian fast food that is quite favorite among the masses, especially girls because of the spice explosion that it guarantees. The humble peas are soaked in water and served with lime, fritters, tons of complimentary spices, onions and green chilies. This is simply perfect for anyone looking to indulge in a tangy snack that’s full of proteins. You may also find your peas fried depending on the location where you are having your spicy tangy peas.


If you have a sweet tooth this one is for you. Imartis are basically flour fritters that are dunked in sugar syrup till it becomes sweet and gets crusted with sugar. It is served with curd. You may also see this served on the roadsides of North Indian cities with Rabri or other sweetened with dairy products. It is interesting to note that this Indian street food is very popular not just here but also in African nations, Middle East and Arabic nations.

Besides these, there are special fast foods. Fast food in Bangalore is different from what you will see doled out on the streets of Kolkata or Mumbai. Check out your local fast food restaurants to find out what’s new on your city streets this winter.

3 Healthy Eating Habits That Will Elevate Your Body & Soul

A hearty platter, a great comforting environment and great people to enjoy your food – that’s nourishment for your soul and your body too. Eating has become such a challenge today with so much work to do and so many schedules to keep; there isn’t enough time to enjoy a healthy meal at home unless it’s the weekend. Thankfully though Healthy fast food can also be head at Restaurants in India, not in all, but the better ones definitely will give you enough good stuff to feed your soul and body.

We however, don’t pay enough attention to how we eat. Eating habits need to change for no matter how nourishing your food, if you don’t eat it properly you end up stuffing your stomach, nothing more than that, which isn’t what you want. So here are 3 habits that will make your body make the most of what goes in your mouth.

Never be in a rush
Fast food doesn’t mean you should eat fast. Let Restaurants in India take care of the ‘fast’ part and you concentrate on eating your Healthy fast food slowly. Eating in a rush doesn’t allow your system to produce enough digestive enzymes and top of that you probably don’t chew well in rush. If the food takes too long to digest you end up having lots of problems like embarrassing flatulence and heavy tummy – you know the rest!

Smart snacks
Snack on healthy foods. If you can’t find Healthy fast food anywhere near you whip out the fruit you have in your bag – and you should carry healthy snacks in with you. Instead of fattening snacks it’s better to eat a small bite of something healthy and head off to a good healthy food plaza and replenish yourself.

Be regular 
Be sincere with your rules. Eat a satisfying & healthy breakfast. Try not to miss it for the world because it’s not worth it. With poor health you can’t enjoy anything the world has to offer – no point in missing a good breakfast.

Follow all the right tips and you will soon find that if you keep your constitution fit it will reward you well.

3 Things You Almost Never Consider When Setting Up Your Business

In the rush to get your business off the ground often makes you disregardful of simple things that you are as important as the big factors. If you take time to observe the Top 10 fast food restaurants in your locality, you will see that they take these things seriously, because in the long run, these seemingly ‘ignorable’ points will make the crucial difference between keeping your business profitable.

The Works

Location is only slightly more important than the building in which you plan on setting your business. When choosing the address you need to understand that you are probably be in the same location for several years to come and if the building cannot support your current technical needs, how will it ever support your future loads? The electrical and communication infrastructure needs to be spot on. If you pick a place that’s not quite up there in terms of tech and infrastructure then you are going to face real hurdles in the future.

Restrictions & Local Laws

Find out what the local law has to say about setting up businesses in the area you have decided to set up shop. There could be some special provision that undermines your business concerns. Some places have very specific guidelines on how you should dispose your garbage. Flouting these laws will cost you fine and you don’t want that at all.

The History of the location

Some places are doomed to be failures, not because its haunted by some super natural force, but because some basic things about the location are gravely wrong about it. Find out if the place has a negative history. No Top 10 fast food restaurants in your locality are based off such locations. Find out a good place to start your business and stick to it for long term success.

3 Ways to Get Your Dinner without Cooking!

Those lazy moments when you don’t feel like cooking at all are not one off. People all over the globe feel so lazy at times that cooking their own dinner seems like a gargantuan task. Do you feel lazier than others you know? If that is the case, here are a few simple tips that you are going to love.

  • Eat out at your moms 
 You are never too old to eat at your mom’s house! You can eat as many times at your mom’s as you want and not feel the obligation to invite her to dinner – which you should, but you are not going to because you are so lazy that you don’t even cook your own dinner! So, here is to all you lazy people who want to eat a lot of free meals – head off to your mom’s.

  • Take out
Don’t like eating your mom’s food, you must be an odd one! But don’t worry – if you want an alternative you’ve always got an option to take out. This is the quickest option you can get, not to mention all the variety you’ll get to choose from. Head out to any Fast food restaurant in your locality and get your dose of Healthy fast food.

  • Remember your best friends
Haven’t been to your best friend’s home for ages? Don’t you remember them? When you are alone and you don’t want to cook make sure you find some out and pay them a visit. You will do yourself a great service by choosing a friend who is married and has a great wife who can cook!